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In the competitive landscape of talent acquisition, standing out from the crowd is essential. While traditional job ads and career sites can provide valuable information, the inclusion of interactive video testimonials takes your talent attraction strategy to a whole new level. These videos offer candidates a glimpse into the heart and soul of your organization, painting a vivid picture of what it's truly like to work there and what leadership to expect.

The influence of interactive video testimonials

Video testimonials have gained immense popularity in the last couple of years for several reasons. They are more engaging than plain text, easier to digest than lengthy paragraphs, and offer a sense of authenticity that resonates with viewers. When potential candidates see and hear real employees sharing their experiences, it creates a sense of trust and credibility that can be hard to achieve through other means.

The unique perspective of leaders

While employee testimonials are valuable, showing the experiences and perspectives from future colleagues, manager video testimonials hold a unique power. Leaders play a pivotal role in shaping a company's culture, values, and strategies. Their insights and perspectives provide a holistic view of the organization, encompassing not only the employee experience but also the leadership that drives it. These are some of the most important aspects top-tier candidates are looking to understand when researching a company as a potential employer of choice. 

It's in the numbers

+89 %
Increased time on site with video testimonials activated
Source: Life Inside
80 %
Of candidates agree that videos of someone talking about an open position would help the better understand the opportunity
Source: Monster
+35 %
More applications when job ads include relevant video content
Source: CareerBuilder


Benefits of Manager Video Testimonials

The benefits of manager and leadership video testimonials can not be understated. Let's look at some of them:  

1. They create trust and credibility

Manager testimonials enhance your company's credibility. When managers speak about their experiences, potential candidates are more likely to trust that the organization lives up to its promises.

2. They provide clarity and transparency

Video testimonials provide transparency about the company culture, expectations, and leadership. This clarity helps candidates make informed decisions about their career choices.

3. They create emotional connection

Manager testimonials create an emotional connection between candidates and the organization. Candidates can relate to the personal stories and experiences shared, making them more likely to apply to the company's open positions.

4. They showcase your differentiation

In a competitive job market, manager video testimonials set your job ads and career sites apart from the competition. They help your organization stand out as a welcoming, dynamic, and desirable place to work. Think about it. If your organization showcases video testimonials from its leadership on its career sites and job ads, whilst your competitors do not. Which company do you think will be more interesting for candidates to continue looking into? Which company would you, yourself, be most interested in? 

5. They can increase retention

Candidates who understand and appreciate the company's culture through video testimonials are more likely to stay with the organization long-term. This leads to improved employee retention rates.

How to create an effective manager video testimonial

Creating an effective manager video testimonial is easy. Just click into our blog post "How to Record a Video Testimonial in 5 Easy Steps with Your Smartphone" to get going. 

Let's sum it up! 

Manager video testimonials are a powerful tool in modern talent acquisition. They infuse your job ads and career sites with authenticity, trust, and emotion. Through your videos, you can bring the unique perspectives of your leadership team directly to potential candidates at scale. This not only attracts top talent but also helps them form a meaningful connection with your organization and employer brand. In the competitive world of recruitment, manager video testimonials can be the difference-maker that sets your company apart as an employer of choice. 

Written by

Charlie Sinclair smiling

Written by

Charles Sinclair

Charles Sinclair

Charlie is one of our founders and Partnership Manager at Life Inside. With more than ten years of experience from the employer branding industry he supports our users and partners in driving the best possible results with interactive video technology.

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