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How Lyko connects buyers with experts using interactive video

Skärmavbild 2024-07-01 kl. 11.25.29

Lyko – a leading beauty retailer

Ever just wanted to ask an expert when buying that new sunscreen? Leading beauty and hair care retailer Lyko took connecting their customers with their experts to new levels. Committed to enhancing customer experience and engagement, Lyko recently partnered with Life Inside to introduce an interactive video widget on their website, allowing customers to connect directly with their experts, without using boring forms or messy Q&A:s.

Increased customer interaction
Positive feedback from customers using the video widget
Enhanced support efficiency
Streamlined video creation and publishing process
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Embracing innovation in customer support

Understanding the importance of being accessible to their customers, Lyko sought an innovative solution to provide personalised support. By adding clickable choices and simple forms in each video, Lyko created an alternative way for online store visitors to interact with their product experts. As a bonus, their online store visitors got an interactive and engaging experience. 
"The customers who have used the form have been positive and seem to find it an easy way to get in touch with us," shared Lyko's team, highlighting the immediate positive response from their user base.
Madeleine Morelous på Lyko
"With Life Inside, we've found a fun and innovative way to be available for our customers."
– Madelene Morelius, Project Lead Lyko
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The impact

According to the team at Lyko, their videos have already made a noticeable difference in how they interact with their customers. How? By building strong relationships with their online store visitors, enhancing the customer experience, and opening up new ways of providing support and guidance to find the right beauty and hair care products. 

While it's still early days, and more measurable results will come, the ease of use and positive customer feedback are promising indicators of success. Lyko's team is currently focused on evaluating the performance of the existing videos before expanding the use of the video widget to other parts of their website and other markets.


Want to do it like Lyko?

Add authentic, interactive video testimonials anywhere on your website in seconds.